The Mustangs are an active part of the Ogden community both on and off the ice. Any organizations interested in securing an appearance by a Mustangs player, coach or our mascot, Murray the Mustang, may do so by submitting a request to the organization via email at least four weeks prior to the event.
All requests submitted must include the following information:
Organization’s name, address, phone number
Information regarding event/purpose of appearance
Contact person’s name
Title and date of event
Please Note:
The Mustangs players and coaches enjoy giving back to the Ogden community. BEFORE requesting a player or mascot appearance, please consult the Mustangs current season schedule and note that NO player or coach appearances are available on:
Home game dates
Away game dates
Travel days (typically day before or after away games)
Please send any submission to ogdenmustangs.coach@gmail.com to express your interest or ask any further questions.